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Page content currently under development due to influence of COVID on program delivery.
If you would like more information or think that you may wish to participate in any capability please CONTACT US
How-to Network for Seniors
Started as a New Horizons for Seniors Initiative intended to grow community wide
Due to COVID - the capital investment has progressed but the program has been delayed until restrictions allow for public participation.
A brief description of the planned program is presented below.
Project Objective:
Establish a network of skilled senior volunteers willing to provide advice and guidance to other seniors and others in such areas as:
Dealing with technology for seniors
Healthy living for seniors
Do-it-yourself projects
Leisure, entertainment, and hobbies
Discussions of concerns and individual interests
Resources Available to the Network:
Venue - Upper Clements Community Hall:
Usable all seasons
Set up to facilitate discussion in comfort
Presentation capability
Searching on-line
Help and advice from skilled senior volunteers on such topics as:
Filling forms on-line
Do it yourself projects
Household repairs
Where to get help
Dealing and using information technologies
Presentations on such topics as: new government initiatives, healthy living, health resources ,and emerging issues
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