Capital Improvement Program
In 2018 the Association embarked on a major renewal and renovation plan. Work involved grounds preparation, external building work, internal renovations including making the Hall wheelchair accessible.
Volunteers, friends, users, and supportive agencies have been at the heart of Upper Clements Hall’s success. The improvements required significant capital investments. These were achieved through in-kind contributions of members of the association, friends, local businesses, with the bulk coming from grants. Significant investments were made by various agencies including Parker Mountain Wind Turbine, the Municipality of the County of Annapolis, Nova Scotia Community ACCESS-ability Program, Nova Scotia Communities Facility Improvement Program, and Canada’s New Horizons for Seniors Program (NHSP),

Funding the Hall's Operation
It is recognized that a significant portion of the renewal plan involves the creation of programs and activities that ensure the Hall’s financial sustainability. While the capital improvements were in motion largely through available capital grants, the Association needed to develop a strong presence and ensure an operational revenue stream. Bookings for private events were encouraged, the AA District 3 Candlelight Meetings continued to contribute through their weekly meeting, and a number of fund raising initiatives all contributed to the Hall’s success. Fund raising activities of note were flea-markets, Monday Night Crafts, publication of The District Rambler, concerts, and raffles of gifts contributed by friends of the Hall.
Volunteers are what makes and will continue to make the Hall work
We are continuously seeking civic-minded volunteers to make the Hall evolve into a significant community venue. There are vacancies and opportunities for visionary individuals to contribute at the Board, executive, and planning levels. If interested Contact Us.