Seeking a Balance Between Serving the Community and Financial Sustainability
The UCDCA manages the use of the Hall in a manner that is deemed to bring the most benefit to the surrounding community while at the same time keeping Upper Clements Community Hall in a sound and self-sustaining financial situation. To achieve this requires the supporting the activities that bring value to the communities as a whole, ensuring that cost-per-use is kept at a reasonable level, and making the Hall available for single use applications and events.
Individuals wishing to book the facility at the reduced rates listed below, and have an input into the management of the Hall at the Annual General Meeting, will be required to purchase a UCDCA $5.00 per annum membership.
The fee rates are prorated to the type of activity and the usefulness to the community as a whole.
The rates are as follows:
Activities open to the public and that are designed to benefit the whole community
No Charge (Donations Encouraged)
Not for profit community activities open to the public and bringing benefit to community groups
Donations Expected
Not for profit private events
$25.00 plus Donations
For profit public or private events
Add $10.00 for use of kitchen. Please contact the administrator to determine the costs of other equipment.
Other rates are available for guaranteed repeat users.
Please visit our Events Calendar to check for availability.
Payment is due when the key is picked up, along with a check or e-transfer for a cleaning deposit of $25. When the key is returned and the after-rental walk-through is complete, your deposit will be returned.